About - Piotr Nowicki Colorist
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Initially a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science in the University of Warsaw, I continued my education in the Academy of Film and Television on the faculty of Cinematography, thus starting my route in the production industry. After graduation I had an opportunity to get a several years’ experience as a camera operator, working for many advertising projects. This experience gave me an opportunity to see how the purely production side of the film-making process looked like.

Work Philosophy

Why have I decided to switch to the grading stage of the post-production process, instead? For me, grading is about making the general climate of the film, and I was curious to explore the ways I could affect the perception of the viewers by changing the colors and tones. Playing with the moods, so to say. Moreover, being a perfectionist in all spheres of life, with the help of color correction I can bring every detail of the spot to perfection. On the everyday basis I have a pleasure to work with talented and creative persons, who inspire to broaden the minds and build the new generation of filmmakers.

History and experience

I had an opportunity to work with projects for such clients as Toyota, Audi, Oppo, Adidas, Play, Orange, Volkswagen, Skoda, Brewary Żywiec, Samsung, Yes jewelry, Tuborg, Warka, Lech, Coca-Cola, Johnnie Walker, Gino Rossi, H&M, and many others. Actually, such projects are exactly what motivates to work even more and better. I’m also a core member of Young Colorists United, where dozens of students get the fundamental knowledge about the color grading workflow and basic strategies. Generally, I would say that the ruling principle behind my work is a constant self-development, learning from the best colorists, studying the tendencies in this sphere all around the world, and…an ability to take risks-to go beyond the borders of ordinary. Here is where the real art begins.